Thursday, September 4, 2014

Beautiful Bottoms

Beautiful Bottoms Carnival pyjamas Beautiful Bottoms Carnival print pyjamas 4 Beautiful Bottoms Carnival print pyjamas 2 Beautiful Bottoms Carnival print pyjamas 3 Beautiful Bottoms Carnival pyjamas 1
Um, hi. My name’s Amy and I've got a pyjama addiciton. I can’t go into Primark without buying a pair, and it’s now reached the stage where my pyjama drawer is fuller than any other area of my room. Which is saying something. Despite this, I’ve always wanted to invest in a good pair because, as much as I love my novelty ones, they wear and tear so quickly that I end up with saggy knees and a hole in the crotch after a month. Saucy. So, when Beautiful Bottoms sent me this amazing carnival pair I felt like I’d discovered a little slice of Heaven. They’re incredibly comfy - 100% silk I’ll have you know – and the print lifts my mood every time it catches my eye. It’s funny how a little bit of luxury can make you feel all sassy inside, like how I’d imagine a Bond girl to feel. Well, how a Bond girl would feel if she ever wore jammies, but you get my drift. Beautiful Bottoms also do underwear and swimwear; in fact Meg did a post with their underwear my GAD did she look incredible, so if you want to see what it looks like on check her post out here.

Thank you, Beautiful Bottoms, for opening my eyes to a whole new sassy pyjama experience.
