
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Wedding Guest Edit 2023

 Well howdy partners! Happy Wednesday to you. I hope you had a lovely long weekend/s (what an absolute treat to have two in a row!). Today we have one absolute whopper of a Wedding Guest Outfit Guide for you - I don't know why but I essentially made it my mission to complete the internet in the making of it and have trawled roughly 582 sites and gained one hunchback and one alarmingly stiff clicking finger in the process. However, she's here! I get a real thrill out of dressing up for a 'do so it was a really fun one to put together, stiff finger and all. I've split it into three sections - dresses, non-dresses and accessories - so I really hope that it's helpful in some way! As always, if you end up getting anything from it please do send me a wee snap so that I can enjoy the wedding fun vicariously through you. Alrighty then... let's go! 


The good, the bad and - well, actually, they're all just good. Promise.

...I told you I tried to complete the internet, didn't I? There are, truly, so many great dresses out there at the moment. Some of my favourites? VERY hard to choose, but I do love this beautiful & Other Stories number (one of my favourite colours and those SLEEVES. Excellent stuff), this Mango number (the colour, the shape, it's all perfect), this puff sleeve priarie number here, this beautiful orange dress (currently 20% off!) and Rixo smashing it again with this little number

Not a fan of a dress? Not a problem! 

Again, lots of lovely options out there at the moment and in so many great colours too! Total joy. I'm in love with this wee two piece (lots of options to wear it as separates throughout Summer too), this colourful Rixo number, this beautiful skirt (very into it with that copper tank) but this and this have to be my favourite of the lot. Best. Colour. Ever. Kermit would be so proud.

Shoes, bags, earrings and... more shoes
Sweet accessories. Always a fun way to add pizzazz (and also great for changing up an outfit you already own!). It'll be of absolutely no surprise to you that I love these shell earrings (I am powerless to the pull of a shell), these Mach & Mach-esque heels and these sassy-but-still-very-comfortable-looking (a real rarity) platforms

...And there we have it! I really hope that helps in some way, if not then I had a grand old time eating biscuits and pulling it all together. 
