
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Polka Dot, Polka Dot, Polka Dot...Blouse

The Little Magpie Topshop Polka dot blouse The Little Magpie Topshop Polka dot blouse The Little Magpie Topshop Polka dot blouse The Little Magpie Topshop Polka dot blouse The Little Magpie Topshop Polka dot blouse The Little Magpie Topshop polka dot blouse The Little Magpie Topshop Polka dot blouse The Little Magpie Topshop Polka dot blouse
TOPSHOP polka dot blouse (also in petite) | ASOS frill bottom cropped trousers | MISSGUIDED biker jacket | CELINE @ SUNGLASSES SHOP sunglasses (now in sale) | ASPINAL OF LONDON mini bag

Photos by Kirsty McLachlan

Hey weiners. Hows it going? I'm sure some of you will have seen this blouse over on my Instagram (although, to be fair, your attention might have been stolen by the adorable kitten) or on Topshop's Instagram (that's right, the fame has almost definitely gone to Tiny Tim's head) but I hadn't got round to doing a proper outfit post with it yet. So, here we are! I popped it on with these frill hem trews that you've seen before but, unfortunately, tucked it in in quite a haphazard manner and didn't realise I'd left it looking like a big nappy under my trousers. So for that, I apologise. I decided to pop on some older shoes that haven't seen some love in a while - but that doesn't mean I love you any less, if you're listening - and my ole faithful biker. Ooh, and some new Celine specs in what I dare say is a very bold colour for me. And that was it! A kind of mildly-dabbling-but-not-really-committing to Spring outfit from yours truly.

I'm off to Greece in a few days and have done, you guessed it, no packing, so I'm off to do that now. After maybe an hour or so of procrastinating/looking in my fridge sporadically to see if any new food has appeared.
